Agustina H.U Tumanggor

1Identifikasi Kehandalan Operator pada Departemen Sewing2014Seminar Nasional Teknik Industri 2014
2Identification of Operator Reliability on Sewing Department According to Task Analysis2016The 4th Internasional Conference on Kinematics, Mechanics of Rigid Bodies and Materials 2016
3Factors Effecting The Incidence of Anemia Adolescent Girls at Tatah Makmur South Kamimantan Public Health Center2017The 2nd Sari Mulia International Conference on Health and Sciences 2017 (SMICHS 2017)
4Reliability value analysis of dump truck 108 unit (case study: South Kalimantan coal mining company)2017The 6th International Conference On Manufacturing, Optimization, Industrial And Material Engineering : MOIME18
5The analysis of thermal comfort in kitchen2017IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
6Identifikasi Keandalan Operator dengan Pendekatan Kognitif pada Departemen Sewing2018Seminar Nasional Teknik Industri Universitas Gadjah Mada 2018
7Reliability value analysis of dump truck 108 unit (case study: South Kalimantan coal mining company)2018AIP Conference Proceedings